We are so proud of our Meowmy. She has been working very hard at something for several months now and she is finally close to the finish line. She hasn't wanted us to talk about it because she was afraid it might jinx it but now she says its ok to tell you.
All her life Meowmy has had problems with her weight. She has always been the one to get picked on and made to feel like she was never good enough. No matter how smart, or nice or funny or self sacrificing she is, it is just never good enough to make people forget what she looks like on the outside and just accept her for who she is on the inside. Now we have always loved her for who she is and never cared what she looks like but us cats are far more accepting than most humans out there, right kitties?
She has had to deal with a lot of rejection but she always claimed it made her stronger. But we all know that even so it still hurts a lot inside. She began to think that maybe this is why she has been rejected so much while she's been looking for a new day hunting place too. Not only that but she has begun to have some scary health issues as well because of her weight. That makes us sad cause we want her to be around for a long long time to take care of us and give us scritches and stinky goodness and yes, even shove that darned flashy box thing in our faces too.
Recently her mom and dad bean offered her an opportunity she couldn't turn down. They wanted to use her dad bean's 401K money to pay for her to have gastric bypass surgery. Her mom bean had it done almost 2 years ago and she is looking great and has never felt better. Almost all of her health problems have disappeared and never heard from again. This is what we all want for our Meowmy. So since June of this year she has been actively pursuing this path to healthiness. There have been so many hoops she has had to jump thru to get here but she is finally here. She has a surgery date and time set.
But here is the part that we are especially proud of. For the past several weeks she has been making drastic changes to her diet and eating habits. First it was just cutting down on calories and making healthier choices, and now she is on a special liquid diet to prepare her for the upcoming surgery. Can you imagine a Thanksgiving where you couldn't eat a single bite of all the festive goodies? No turkey, no mashed potatoes, no pumpkin pie? Well she did it! She made it thru with flying colors! She didn't even think about having a bite. We are so proud of her! She is pawsome. She told us that we could help to support her by eating her share of the turkey. We all agreed that it was the least we could do for such a good Meowmy. And all of her hard work has paid off. She found out yesterday that in the past 5 weeks, she has lost 21 lbs!!! Yay Meowmy!!!! Yay!!! We couldn't be more excited for her, she deserves it.
She still has several days to go before her surgery on December 9th. We plan to spend as much time with her as possible supporting her and loving her as only we can. We may not be around much for the next couple of weeks but I'm sure you all will understand and excuse our absence. This is a major surgery and has risks involved with it but we are purring for a positive outcome. So if you have the time please come by and purr with us and wish our Meowmy the best, she needs all the encouragement she can get. Thanks for being such good friends to us all.
-Stryder, Scotchy & Sugar